Launch of BeST Cluster

Bengaluru Science and Technology (BeST) Cluster launched at the Bengaluru Tech Summit 2022!

We are delighted to be a part of the BeST cluster and contribute to the ever-growing Science, Technology and innovation ecosystem of Bengaluru. BeST is a collaborative effort of various organisations; academic, industry, start-up and other civil groups to identify and address problems first with locally relevant solutions, then scale up nationally and internationally by building globally competitiveness.

The cluster identified Health & Wellness, Urban Life, and Futuristic Technologies as the primary sectors to work on. OneHealth, Precision Agriculture, Urban Transportation, Monsoon & Climate Change, Quantum Technologies are some areas where immediate intervention is required.

Watch the plenary session by Dr. Ajay Sood, PSA, GOI and the formal inauguration of the cluster by Dr. Taslimarif Saiyed, CEO-Director, C-CAMP and Ambarish Ghosh, Professor IISc.