Satyaprakash Pandey
Senior Scientist
Ph.D in Biology, CSIR- Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology (IGIB), New Delhi, India. 2010-2016
- M.Sc in Life Sciences, University of Mumbai, India, 2008-2010
- Scientist, Research and Development (R&D), Tata Medical and Diagnostics Limited, 2021-2023
- Postdoctoral researcher at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay, India, 2018-2021
- Postdoctoral researcher at European Research Institute for Biology of Ageing (ERIBA), Groningen, The Netherlands, 2016-2018
- Postdoctoral researcher at University of Wurzburg, Germany, 2016
- Molecular Biology
- Molecular diagnostics
- Real Time-PCR
- CRISPR Diagnostics
Areas of interest
- Diagnostic Technology Development and Product Management
- Development of cost-effective, robust, indigenous diagnostics in healthcare
- Focus on Infectious Diseases, Rare Genetic Disorders, Antimicrobial resistance and Cancer
- Navalkar, A., Paul, A., Sakunthala, A., Pandey, S., Dey, AK., Saha, S., Sahoo, S., Jolly, MK., Maiti, TK., Maji, SK. (2022) Oncogenic gain of function due to p53 amyloids occurs through aberrant alteration of cell cycle and proliferation. J Cell Sci. 1;135(15): jcs259500.
- Pandey, S., Hajikazemi, M., Zacheja, T., Schalbetter, S., Neale, MJ., Baxter, J., Guryev, V., Hofmann, A., Heermann, DW., Juranek, SA., Paeschke, K. (2021) Telomerase subunit Est2 marks internal sites that are prone to accumulate DNA damage. BMC Biol. ;19(1):247.
- Ghosh, A., Pandey, S., Hussain, AA, Sundar JS, Singh, P., Khan, Y., Ekka, MK., Chakraborty, D., Maiti, S. Alternative splicing modulation mediated by G-quadruplex structures in MALAT1 lncRNA. Nucleic Acids Research, 50, 1, 378–396.
- Kadu, P., Pandey, S.,* Neekhra,S., Kumar, R., Gadhe, L., Srivastava, R., Sastry, M., Maji, S. (2020) Machine-Free Polymerase Chain Reaction with Triangular Gold and Silver Nanoparticles. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 11, 24, 10489–10496. (*equal first author)
- Navalkar, A., Pandey, S., Singh, N., Patel, K., Datta, D., Mohanty, B., Jadhav, S., Chaudhari, P., Maji, S. (2021) Direct evidence of cellular transformation by prion-like p53 amyloid infection. J Cell Sci 134 (11): jcs258316.
- Navalkar, A., Ghosh,S., Pandey,S., Paul,A., Datta,D., & S. K. Maji. (2019) Prion-Like P53 Amyloids in Cancer. Biochemistry. ;59(2):146-155.
- Ray S, Singh N, Kumar R, Patel K, Pandey S, Datta D, Mahato J, Panigrahi R, Navalkar A, Mehra S, Gadhe L, Chatterjee D, Sawner AS, Maiti S, Bhatia S, Gerez JA, Chowdhury A, Kumar A, Padinhateeri R, Riek R et al. (2020) alpha-Synuclein aggregation nucleates through liquid-liquid phase separation. Nat Chem doi: 10.1038/s41557-020-0465-9.
- Agarwala, P., Pandey, S., Ekka, M.K., Chakraborty, D., and Maiti, S. (2019). Combinatorial role of two G-quadruplexes in 5′ UTR of transforming growth factor beta2 (TGFbeta2). Biochim Biophys Acta Gen Subj, 129416.
- Gotz, S., Pandey, S.,* Bartsch, S., Juranek, S., and Paeschke, K. (2019). A Novel G-Quadruplex Binding Protein in Yeast-Slx9. Molecules 24. (*equal first author)
- Kaushik, K., Sivadas, A., Vellarikkal, S.K., Verma, A., Jayarajan, R., Pandey, S., Sethi, T., Maiti, S., Scaria, V., and Sivasubbu, S. (2018). RNA secondary structure profiling in zebrafish reveals unique regulatory features. BMC Genomics 19, 147.
- Agarwala, P., Pal, G., Pandey, S., and Maiti, S. (2017). Mutagenesis Reveals an Unusual Combination of Guanines in RNA G-Quadruplex Formation. ACS Omega 2, 4790-4799.
- Pandey, S., Agarwala, P., Jayaraj, G.G., Gargallo, R., and Maiti, S. (2015). The RNA Stem-Loop to G-Quadruplex Equilibrium Controls Mature MicroRNA Production inside the Cell. Biochemistry 54, 7067-7078.
- Agarwala, P., Kumar, S., Pandey, S., and Maiti, S. (2015). Human telomeric RNA G-quadruplex response to point mutation in the G-quartets. J Phys Chem B 119, 4617-4627.
- Agarwala, P., Pandey, S., and Maiti, S. (2015). The tale of RNA G-quadruplex. Org Biomol Chem 13, 5570-5585.
- Agarwala, P., Pandey, S., and Maiti, S. (2014). Role of G-quadruplex located at 5′ end of mRNAs. Biochim Biophys Acta 1840, 3503-3510.
- Agarwala, P., Pandey, S., and Maiti, S. (2013). G-quadruplexes as tools for synthetic biology. Chembiochem 14, 2077-2081.
- Agarwala, P., Pandey, S., Mapa, K., and Maiti, S. (2013). The G-quadruplex augments translation in the 5′ untranslated region of transforming growth factor beta2. Biochemistry 52, 1528-1538.
- Pandey, S., Agarwala, P., and Maiti, S. (2013). Effect of loops and G-quartets on the stability of RNA G-quadruplexes. J Phys Chem B 117, 6896-6905.
- Agarwal, T., Jayaraj, G., Pandey, S.P., Agarwala, P., and Maiti, S. (2012). RNA G-quadruplexes: G-quadruplexes with “U” turns. Curr Pharm Des 18, 2102-2111.
- Jayaraj, G.G., Pandey, S., Scaria, V., and Maiti, S. (2012). Potential G-quadruplexes in the human long non-coding transcriptome. RNA Biol 9, 81-86.
Book Chapters
- Pandey S., Agarwala P., Maiti S. (2017) Targeting RNA G-Quadruplexes for Potential Therapeutic Applications. In: Garner A. (eds) RNA Therapeutics. Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, vol 27. Springer, Cham
- Maji, Samir K., Srivastava, Rohit., Kadu, Pradeep., Pandey, Satyaprakash R., Sastry, Murali., Neekhra Suditi. (2020) Plasmonic Triangular Gold And Silver Nanoparticles As Tools For Machine-Free Nucleic Acid Amplification Assays, Indian Patent No. 406074, Government of India. (Granted)
- Govekar, Sunil., Pandey, Satyaprakash., Mohammad, Azhar., Devanga, Pramod., Vasanathapuram, Ravi., Krishnamurthy, Girish. (2022) “Primers And Probes For Detection Of Omicron Variant Of Sars-Cov-2, Methods And Uses Thereof”, Indian Patent No. 202141060399, Government Of India. (Provisional)