Kamal K Malukani
- PhD: CSIR-Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, 2019
- MSc: Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, 2011
- Post-doc Research: CSIR-Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, 2019-2022
- Research Associate: Tata Institute for Genetics and Society, 2022-2023
- Mutation Breeding
- Biofortification
- Plant-Microbe Interactions
Areas of interest
Crop Improvement, Plant Pathology, Plant growth promotion
Honors and Awards
- 2023 ASPB travel award to attend Plant Biology 2023
- American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB) Plantae Fellow 2022
- ECR representative in the international committee of ASPB 2022-2023 (2 years)
- 2021 ASPB registration award for Plant Biology 2021
- Ambassador International Society for Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions (IS-MPMI)
- Connect 2020-2021 Shimamoto travel award to attend IS-MPMI congress 2019 in UK
- Kumar A., Malukani K. K., Patel H. K., Sonti R. V. (2021) Proteomic analysis of rice leaves following treatment of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae secreted cell wall degrading enzyme. (Preprint – Biorxiv).
- Malukani K. K., Ranjan A., Hota S. J., Patel H. K., Sonti R. V., (2020); Dual Activities of Receptor-Like Kinase OsWAKL21.2 Induce Immune Responses. Plant Physiology, Vol. 183, Issue 3.
- Malukani K. K., Pillai S. E., Kachewar N.R., Patel H. K., Sonti R. V. (2019); Induction and suppression of rice innate immunity. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 171-180, supplementary issue of Vol. 79(1)
Book chapters authored
- Malukani K. K., Gaur N., Patel H. K. (2021); Application of nanobiotechnology in agriculture: Novel strategy for food security; Omics technologies for sustainable agriculture and global food security; Springer-Nature, Print ISBN 978-981-16-2955-6.
- Deb S., Malukani K. K., Patel H. K. (2021); Understanding and Manipulation of Plant-Microbe Interaction Signals for Yield Enhancement; Omics technologies for sustainable agriculture and global food security; Springer-Nature Print ISBN 978-981-16-2955-6.
- Ghosh S., Malukani K. K., Chandan R., Sonti V. R. Jha G., (2019); How Plants Respond to Pathogen Attack: Interaction and Communication. Book chapter in Sensory biology of plants; Springer Nature; 537-568. ISBN: 978-981-13-8922-1.
- Malukani K. K., Patel H. K., Sonti R. V., (2017); Innate immunity and disease management; Modern breeding strategies for crop improvement; 189-221. ISBN: 978-81-936934-0-7.