1st National Rare Diseases Research Summit (REDRESS – 2022)

Tata Institute for Genetics and Society (TIGS) and Organization for Rare Diseases India (ORDI) is organising the 1st National Rare Diseases Research Summit (REDRESS – 2022)

Are you working on a rare genetic disease in India? We would like to invite you to submit your abstract to the 1st National Rare Diseases Research Summit (REDRESS-2022).

Why submit?

  • REDRESS- 2022 is an indigenous and recurrent platform to bring together all rare disease researchers and stakeholders working for the Indian Rare Disease population.

  • Be a part of a comprehensive group of rare disease researchers in India, with an aim of indigenization and acceleration of rare diseases diagnostics, therapeutics and management, through potential cross-disciplinary collaborations.

  • Make your requirements known as a rare disease researcher, by being part of a robust rare disease research ecosystem, encompassing science, healthcare, innovation, entrepreneurship and policy.

  • Publish your accepted work in the summit proceedings book, to bridge the gap in documenting the rare disease research in India.

    Abstract Categories

    • Basic Research
    • MedTech/DigiHealth
    • Clinical Research
    • Regulatory/IP
    • Translational Research
    • StartUp/Industry
    • Diagnostics
    • Policy Research

Abstract Submission Closes: 5th November 2022

Submit your abstracts here

General Guidelines

  • Abstract body should not exceed 250 words, excluding title, affiliation, authors and references. Cite only relevant references up to 10.
  • Submit the abstract by online form only, do not send by email or other methods.
  • Abstracts will be vetted by the scientific committee and selected for appropriate platforms.
  • Presenting author should be registered for the summit before the deadline
  • Abstract contents can be unpublished or accepted for publication or recently published.
  • All accepted abstracts will be digitally published in the final program.
  • Accepted unpublished work can be considered for a summit proceedings book.
  • There are no fees for submitting the abstracts.
  • Boarding and lodging will be provided to those presenting their work at the summit. However, all travel arrangements should be made by the participants themselves.
  • If you need any assistance in submitting the abstract, please mail saveetha.m@tigs.res.in or sudheendra@ordindia.in