At TIGS we believe in building trust with communities, network with humanitarian groups, develop coalitions and networks to create communication channels to share resources, and enable efficient technology transfer to stakeholders. It is evident from global scientific research practices that community and stakeholder engagement is a very relevant process and reinforces positive impact when there is a need to address complex societal challenges. Such dynamic and socially serving scientific research can become a model for scaling technological solutions to address issues faced by developing countries.

Rare Diseases Research Summit (REDRESS – 2022)
Tata Institute for Genetics and Society (TIGS) and Organization for Rare Diseases India (ORDI) organised the 1st National Rare Diseases Research Summit (REDRESS – 2022) on November 24th and 25th. REDRESS- 2022 is an indigenous and recurrent platform to bring together all rare disease researchers and stakeholders working for the Indian Rare Disease population. It is a comprehensive group of rare disease researchers in India, with an aim of indigenization and acceleration of diagnostics, therapeutics and management, through potential cross-disciplinary collaborations.
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