Harvinder Kour Khera

Harvinder Kour Khera

Harvinder Kour Khera


  • PhD, AcSIR-Indian Institute for Integrative Medicine, Jammu, 2010-2017
  • MSc, University of Jammu, 2008-2010


  • Visiting Scholar, University of California, San Diego, USA, 2018-2020


Molecular Biology, heterologous protein expression and purification (E.coli, yeast, insect and mammalian cells), bioassay development, anti-malarial drug discovery, Antibody purification (monoclonal, single-chain and nanobody), Nanobody libraries

Areas of interest

Developing low-cost detection methods for various infectious and rare genetic diseases.

Honors and Awards

  • Awsar award by Department of Science and Technology, India, for popular science story, 2021
  • Best Poster Award at CME cum Workshop on Tuberculosis Present Scenario and Challenges Ahead, PGIMER, Chandigarh, 2018
  • Best participant award in EMBO Global Exchange Lecture Course on ‘Malaria Genomics and Public Health’ at Madurai, Tamil Nadu, 2017


  • Khera HK*, Valiyaparambil A, Jagannath DK, Viswanath VK, Kumar N, Shukla JP, Pradhan S, Lakshminarasimhan A. Nano-differential scanning fluorimetry as a tool for the assessment of refolded antibody fragments: A case study for anti-Pfs25 single-chain antibodies. Biochemical Engineering Journal. 2024 Jun 1;206:109287.
  • Khera, H.K. and Mishra, R., 2023. Nucleic Acid Based Testing (NABing): A Game Changer Technology for Public Health. Molecular Biotechnology, pp.1-33
  • Stanley SM, Khera HK, Chandrasingh S, George CE, Mishra RK. A comprehensive review of dengue with a focus on emerging solutions for precision and timely detection. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2023 Oct 22:127613.
  • Khera, H.K., Srivastava, A.K., Singh, S. (2023). Antimalarial Drug Discovery and Development: From Bench to Bedside. In: Rajput, V.S., Runthala, A. (eds) Drugs and a Methodological Compendium . Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-7952-1_16
  • Kour, N., Singh, J. and Khera, H.K., 2023. Increasing Prevalence of Antibiotic-Resistant Genes in Wastewater: Impact on Public Health. In Genomics of Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria in Industrial Waste Water Treatment (pp. 95-114). Cham: Springer International Publishing
  • Khera, H.K., Venugopal, N., Karur, R.T., Mishra, R., Kartha, R.V. and Rajasimha, H.K., 2022. Building cross-border collaborations to increase diversity and accelerate rare disease drug development–meeting report from the inaugural IndoUSrare Annual Conference 2021. Therapeutic Advances in Rare Disease, 3, p.26330040221133124.
  • Thirunavukarasou A, Kaur S, Khera HK. Metagenomics for Studying Microbes in Wastewater Treatment Plants. InMicrobial Community Studies in Industrial Wastewater Treatment 2022 Dec 30 (pp. 171-183). CRC Press.
  • Khera HK and Srivastava AK. Genetic engineering of algae. 2021 In:An integration of Phycoremediation Processes in Wastewater Treatment. Elsevier.
  • Srivastava AK, Yadav TC, Khera HK, Mishra P, Raghuwanshi N, Pruthi V, Prasad R. Insights into interplay of immunopathophysiological events and molecular mechanistic cascades in psoriasis and its associated comorbidities. Journal of Autoimmunity. 2021 1;118:102614.
  • Khera HK, Maity K. Rational Design of Next-Generation Therapeutic Antibodies using Protein Engineering Tools. 2020 In: Next Generation Biomanufacturing Technologies: Synthesis to Sensing, ACS, Washington, United States.
  • Khera HK, Singh SK, Singh S. Chorismate synthase from malaria parasites is bifunctional enzyme. Molecular & Biochemical Parasitology, 2019.
  • Das MK, Prajapati BK, Tiendrebeogo RW, Ranjan K, Adu B, Srivastava AK, Khera HK, Chauhan NK, Tevatiya S, Kana IH, Sharma SK, Singh S, Theisen M. Malaria epidemiology in an area of stable transmission in tribal population of Jharkhand, India. Malaria Journal. 2017;16:181.
  • Khera HK, Singh SK, Mir R, Bharadwaj V, Singh S. A HRMS-based method for determination of Chorismate synthase activity. Protein and Peptide Letters. 2017;23(3):229-234
  • Shukla G, Khera HK, Srivastava AK, Khare P, Patidar R, Saxena R. Therapeutic Potential, Challenges and Future Perspective of Cancer Stem Cells in Translational Oncology: A Critical Review. Current Stem Cell Research & Therapy. 2017;12(3): 207-224.
  • Khera HK, Singh SK, Bhat GN, Singh S. Conserved cysteine residues in malaria Chorismate synthase indicate their important role in protein structure and function. Indian Journal of Biochemistry & Biophysics. 2016;53161-168.