Sampath Kumar
Senior Scientist
- Ph.D. Sericulture, Bangalore University, 2013
- M.Sc. Sericulture, Bangalore University, 2006
- Studied Wolbachia biology and its transfection into novel hosts in Prof. H.P. Puttaraju laboratory in Bangalore University, Bangalore as Research Associate, Vector Science Forum, ICMR – 2017.
- Trained in bio-manipulation of mosquitoes’ thorough microinjection technique in Prof. Anthony James Laboratory in University of California, Irvine as post-doctoral associate – 2018.
- Handling of micro-injection systems for suspension and adherent methods
- Trained in Arthropod Containment Level (ACL)- 2 and Bio Safety Lab (BSL)- 2 facilities.
- Insect cytogenetics and molecular biology
Areas of interest
- Standardizing protocols for bio-manipulation of diverse insect hosts
- Establishing Insect Transformation Facility
- Developing molecular and genetic tools for insect pest management
Honors and Awards
- Bright Star Award – EMBO Malaria Genomics and Public Health – 2017
- Ishtiaq F, Swain S, Kumar SS (2021). Anopheles stephensi (Asian Malaria Mosquito). Trends Parasitol. 2021 Jun;37(6):571-572. doi: 10.1016/j.pt.2021.03.009. Epub 2021 Apr 14. PMID: 33865712.
- Kunal Ankola, S. Sampath Kumar, Pallabi Mondel, H. P. Puttaraju (2018) Age Dependent Regulation of Phenoloxidase Activity through Single and Multiple Wounding in Silkworm, Bombyx mori (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae) Entomological News, 127(5), 401-406.
- Uday J, Samapth kumar S., Huchech C.H and H.P. Puttaraju (2015) Improvised method for detection of Phosphate group in gram negative bacterial Surface proteins: (a modified method of Fiske Subbarao method), International Journal of Current Research, 7 (12), 23969-23971.
- Puttaraju.H.P. and Sampath Kumar. S (2015) Topic Editors, Unravelling the mysteries of Wolbachia, Frontiers Research Topic, Evolutionary and Genomic Microbiology, Frontiers in Microbiology.
- Uday J, Sampath Kumar. S and Puttaraju H.P. (2015) Detection and Phylogenic affiliation of Wolbachia in Drosophila melanogaster (India); Entomological News; 124(4); 270-276.
- B.M. Prakash, A. Prathima, H.C. Huchesh , H, Ravikumar, S. Sampathkumar and H.P. Puttaraju (2014) Sex ratio distortion in the Nesolynx thymus (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), an ecto-pupal parasitoid of uzifly, Exorista sorbillans (Diptera: Tachinidae); European Journal of Entomology; doi: 10.14411/eje.2014.059: 1-4.
- Uday. J, SampathKumar. S, Huchesh C H, Chethana.V. C, H. P. Puttaraju (2014) Insilco Analysis of Wolbachia surface protein in Wolbachia endosymbiont of D. melenogaster; Biomirror; 5(3) :24-29.
- Sampath Kumar. S and Puttaraju H.P (2012) Improvised microinjection technique for mosquito vectors; Indian Journal of Medical Research 136(Dec): 166-173.
- H. Ravikumar, B.M. Prakash, S. Sampathkumar, H.P.Puttaraju (2011) Molecular subgrouping of Wolbachia and bacteriophage WO infection among some Indian Drosophila species; Journal of Genetics 90(3): 507–510.
- H. Ravikumar, N.Ramachandraswamy, S. Sampathkumar, B.M. Prakash, et. al. (2010) A Preliminary Survey for Wolbachia and Bacteriophage WO Infections in Indian Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae); Tropical Biomedicine 27(3): 384–393.