Sunita Swain
Insectary Manager
- PhD Biotechnology, Regional Medical Research Centre, Utkal University, India, 2012
- Postdoctoral Research Scientist, International Centres of Excellence for Malaria Research (ICEMR) India, in collaboration with Pennsylvania State University, USA
- DBT-Research Associate fellowship, DBT – Institute of life sciences, Bhubaneswar, India
- Insectary operation and Management, entomological techniques, mosquito biology and genetics, molecular biology, parasite biology, vector parasite interactions
Areas of interest
Vector development and physiology, disease transmission, life histories studies, mosquito genetic, vector-parasite/pathogen interactions and immune parameters.
- Anopheles stephensi (Asian Malaria Mosquito). Ishtiaq F, Swain S, Kumar SS. Trends Parasitol. 2021 Jun;37(6):571-572
- Waite JL*, Swain S*, Lynch PA*, Sharma SK, Haque MA, Montgomery J, Thomas MB. Increasing the potential for malaria elimination by targeting zoophilic vectors. Scientific Reports 2017
- Swain S, Mohanty A, Tripathy HK, Mahapatra N, Kar SK, Hazra RK. Molecular identification and phylogeny of Myzomyia and Neocellia series of Anopheles subgenus Cellia (Diptera: Culicidae). Infection Genetics Evolution 2010 Oct;10(7):931-9.
- Das B, Swain S, Patra A, Das M, Tripathy HK, Mohapatra N, Kar SK, Hazra RK (2011). The development and evaluation of a single step multiplex PCR to differentiate the aquatic stages of morphological similar Aedes (Subgenus: Stegomyia) mosquitoes. Tropical Medicine and International Health 2011.
- Mohanty A, Swain S, Kar SK, Hazra RK. Analysis of the phylogenetic relationship of Anopheles species, subgenus Cellia (Diptera: Culicidae) and using it to define the relationship of morphologically similar species. Infection Genetics Evolution 2009 Dec;9(6):1204-24.
- Mohanty A, Swain S, Singh DV, Mahapatra N, Kar SK, Hazra RK. A unique methodology for detecting the spread of chloroquine-resistant strains of Plasmodium falciparum, in previously unreported areas, by analyzing anophelines of malaria endemic zones of Orissa, India. Infection Genetics Evolution 2009 Jul;9(4):462-7.
- Swain S, Mohanty A, Mahapatra N, Parida SK, Marai NS, Tripathy HK, Kar SK, Hazra RK. The development and evaluation of a single step multiplex PCR for simultaneous detection of Anopheles annularis group mosquitoes, human host preference and Plasmodium falciparum sporozoite presence. Transaction of Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 2009 Nov;103(11):1146-52.