Food crops like rice, have been domesticated for thousands of years. Cultivation of specific rice varieties generation over generation for selected traits leads to loss of other beneficial traits and narrows down the genetic variability over time. Generating genetic variability through mutagenesis is an important tool to develop new varieties with different traits. Mutagenesis can be performed on a desirable genetic background and the mutant lines can be screened for beneficial traits like high nutrient content, disease resistance and high yields. The mutations associated with the beneficial phenotypes can be mapped by next generation sequencing (NGS) or micro-satellite markers.
Vertical Lead: VS Sresty Tavva
Investigators: Shivranjani Moharir
Rice is a staple food for most Indians. It is a rich source of carbohydrates, but it contains minimal amounts of proteins and minerals. Under this project, rice mutant lines developed by mutagenesis, would be screened for desirable qualities like low glycaemic index, high protein, iron and zinc content.
Investigators: Shivranjani Moharir