Disease and Pest Management

Climate change and the rapid rise in the population of plant pests have significantly increased the use of insecticides over the last several decades. This surge in insecticide application has led to the evolution of insecticide resistance in pests, making pest management an ever-increasing challenge. Currently, chemical control methods are the most widely accepted pest management strategies globally due to their ease of application, cost-effectiveness, availability, and widespread adaptation.

However, the high toxicity of these chemicals, the growing issue of insecticide resistance, increasing government regulations, and heightened consumer awareness are driving a shift away from chemical-based insecticides and pesticides. At TIGS, we are committed to developing new Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs that focus on sustainable and eco-friendly solutions. Our IPM strategies emphasize the use of biological control agents, cultural practices, and mechanical methods to manage pests, particularly those affecting Indian agriculture. Integrated Pest Management can lead to reduction in pest populations while minimizing risks to human health and the environment. This holistic approach not only addresses the immediate pest problems but also considers the ecological balance and the health of the agroecosystem.

Sampath Kumar


The Fall Armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) is a Lepidopteran insect belonging to the family Noctuidae. Although the fall armyworm (FAW) can feed on various kinds of food, with a host range of more than 80 plant species, its main preferences are grass plants. In particular, crops of economic importance such as maize, millet, sorghum, rice, wheat, and sugarcane are the preferred food sources of this pest.

FAW is an invasive pest and between 2018-2022, it has spread throughout the nation causing not only severe economic losses but also raising food security concerns. Thus, it is essential to develop an effective and flexible approach to manage it. Application of various insecticides should be based on scientific evidence. We aim to develop environmentally safer synthetic as well as biopesticides. We would also be evaluating the insecticide resistance of FAW among commonly used pesticides. The base-line insecticide susceptibility data is available with UAS, Bangalore; tracking the pest in real time and evaluating the susceptibility data would provide insights into the possibility of resistance to insecticides that might be developing within the pest. We have defined three key objectives:

» Address the gap in knowledge regarding resistance status of FAW

» Develop novel combinations of pesticides

» Support farmers in mitigating the threat posed by FAW

The project is nearing completion, and we have developed protocols for establishing field-collected Fall Armyworm (FAW) under laboratory conditions, along with standardized artificial feeding diets. Our team has evaluated new combination of insecticides for effective FAW management, comparing them to baseline resistance and susceptibility assays across various regions of Karnataka and Southern India.

Investigator: Sampath Kumar

University of Agricultural Sciences (UAS), GKVK, Bengaluru

Coffee Stem Borer is a notorious pest that causes severe economic losses. The major limitation in developing methods to neutralise this pest is its cryptic life cycle as the immature stages of the borer live deep inside the stem. Hence targeting the pest with chemical insecticides is not possible. Many other methods such as physical and biological, developed until now have not been effective in managing the pest.

We are developing a novel method of using Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) to arc the borer within the plant and neutralise them. Towards this we have set out the following objectives:

» Exploring the feasibility of using EMP frequencies in managing stem borer infestations

» Evaluating the impact of the novel physical control measures on the growth and development of the plant.

We have standardized most parameters for electric selective arching, and we are currently developing working prototypes to meet these conditions at the field level. We are testing these prototypes on live plants to evaluate yield parameters, disease tolerance, and pest infestation.

Investigator: Sampath Kumar

Active suggestions and participation:
Central Coffee Research Institute (CCRI), Chikkamagaluru
Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bengaluru