Rare Genetic Diseases Research Summit (REDRESS-2022)

Tata Institute for Genetics and Society (TIGS) and Organization for Rare Diseases India (ORDI) organised the 1st National Rare Diseases Research Summit (REDRESS – 2022).


  • REDRESS- 2022 is an indigenous and recurrent platform to bring together all rare disease researchers and stakeholders working for the Indian Rare Disease population.

  • Be a part of a comprehensive group of rare disease researchers in India, with an aim of indigenization and acceleration of rare diseases diagnostics, therapeutics and management, through potential cross-disciplinary collaborations.

  • Make your requirements known as a rare disease researcher, by being part of a robust rare disease research ecosystem, encompassing science, healthcare, innovation, entrepreneurship and policy.


Meeting Proceedings

Agenda and Program Schedule

Call for virtual participation

Abstract Submission